Resources for Managed Forests
Commercial forestlands in the Pacific Northwest can provide important early‐ and mid‐seral forest conditions for some of the region’s at‐risk bird species. Here we offer a suite of decision support tools that present specific conservation actions that can be implemented as part of forest management operations. Such actions can enhance important bird habitat attributes.
The following two plans identify conservation focal species, related habitat conditions, threats, and bird conservation management strategies and actions:
Habitat Conservation for Landbirds in the Coniferous Forests of Western Oregon and Washington was prepared to stimulate and support a proactive approach to the conservation of landbirds in coniferous forests of western Oregon and Washington.
Rainforest Birds: A Land Manager’s Guide to Breeding Bird Habitat in Young Conifer Forests in the Pacific Northwest was prepared to assist land managers interested in conducting conservation and management activities to benefit breeding birds associated with young conifer forests in the Pacific Northwest.
Sustainable Forest Management: Opportunities for Bird Conservation on Private Timberlands in the Klamath Mountains, Oregon synthesizes information from the two plans and other sources. This Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) supported scoping document outlines bird conservation objectives and management opportunities that are specific to private forestlands in the Klamath Mountains Ecoregion of southern Oregon and Northern California.
SFI collaborators further refined these ecoregion-specific conservation actions into factsheets that highlight key opportunities for bird conservation on forest stands in the Klamath Mountains Ecoregion. These actions can be implemented during two separate stages of timber management — 1) harvest planning, and 2) post-harvest management:
Timber Harvest Planning Opportunities identifies bird conservation actions that managers can take advantage of during harvest. Specific recommendations about selecting retention trees, managing for hardwoods, and treating shrubs are provided. Identifies conservation actions that managers can take advantage of in the years following harvest. Specific strategies for vegetation control, replanting, and pre-commercial thinning are outlined.
Click here to download a high resolution printable version of these two factsheets.
These conservation management plans, scoping document, and factsheets offer a set of decision support tool that provide guidelines for forestry professionals that can be incorporated into sustainable forest management programs. They also identify special site-level project opportunities that can advance bird conservation on managed forests in the Pacific Northwest and in the Klamath Mountains Ecoregion.