Decision Support Tools
Interactive Tools
Short-eared Owl Occupancy Prediction map
The Short-eared Owl Occupancy Prediction map is an ArcGIS online web app. The purpose is to allow the user to explore models of short-eared owl occurrence both in the present and in future climate scenarios.
Pacific Northwest Watershed Summary of Avian Climate Change Vulnerability
The Pacific Northwest Watershed Summary of Avian Climate Change Vulnerability tool is designed to allow resource managers to view graphical summaries of predicted avian vulnerability to climate change at a watershed (HUC12) scale. The tool displays zonation scores as a ranking of the importance of a given location based on a conservation prioritization exercise.
Bird’s Eye Habitat Tool
The Bird’s Eye Habitat Tool is intended to allow resource managers to view graphical summaries of prediction bird habitat at multiple scales.
Population Objectives Regional Trends (PORT) Tool
To allow users to explore population trajectories of Partners in Flight landbird Watch List species over the next 30 years at range-wide and regional scales under three scenarios.
OakBirdPop: Interactive Supplement to the Land Manager’s Guide to Bird Habitat and Populations in Oak Ecosystems of the PNW
OakBirdPop is an interactive tool to inform land managers and others in the Pacific Northwest in the planning and implementation of oak habitat management and restoration actions.
Avian Vulnerability to Climate Change
This tool integrates future projection maps for of 31 focal bird species in Oregon and Washington allow managers and planners to view and download the projections. Click here to access this tool.
Pacific Northwest Climate Distribution Models
This tool was designed to inform management with information about the effects of climate change on bird species found in western Washington, Oregon and California. Click here to access this tool.