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Tag: Western Forest Initiative

Western Forest Initiative

The Western Forest Initiative currently being explored seeks to halt and reverse the declines of Western forest birds by informing active forest management that aligns multiple benefits for our most imperiled birds and the people of the West.

  • Over 50% of forest-dependent birds in the West are in decline
  • Landscape-level conservation actions are needed now more than ever
  • Joint Ventures are well positioned to support Western communities in improving forest health

Bird Habitat Supports Clean Water

Forests with healthy watersheds that are more resilient to wildfire will benefit communities and play an important role in Western Forest bird recovery. The Joint Ventures envision spurring a multi-million dollar Western Forest Initiative designed to reduce the decline of many bird species.

This migratory bird initiative is unique in that it will be championed, marketed, and delivered through a lens of supporting Western communities in improving forest health to reduce the risk of unprecedented wildfire, improve watershed function and downstream water supplies, and address the needs of other key wildlife species and habitats.

It will be a framework for forest sector companies, small woodland owners, ranchers with forest allotments, innovators in the private capital water investment and forest resilience bond arena, NGOs, tribes, federal and state agencies, and Partners inFlight to drive change through coproduced, community-based approaches that benefit birds and people – creating a new era of forest restoration and Natural Infrastructure Jobs.

Western Forest Initiative Brief

Data Synthesis Process:

  1. Identify priority birds by Bird Conservation Region (BCR 5, 9, 10, 16)
  2. Examine recommended action as a measure of urgency
  3. Create a spatial layer of select species richness (# priority bird species)
  4. Describe forest types using vegetation classes
  5. Examine restoration needed by forest departure
  6. Examine climate risk
  7. Examine the benefits to water

Northern Pacific Rainforest Bird Conservation Region Priority Birds (BCR 5)

Great Basin Bird Conservation Region Priority Birds (BCR 9)

Northern Rockies Bird Conservation Region Priority Birds (BCR 10)

Southern Rockies Colorado Plateau Bird Conservation Region Priority Birds (BCR 16)

Pacific Birds Habitat Joint VentureLogo KBO (95 ppi 4.5x4.5)