About eBird Northwest
Avian Knowledge Northwest’s intention is to build broad regional and state partnerships around eBird Northwest to (1) expand participation in eBird and citizen science efforts that can support conservation through informed natural resource management, (2) engage the birding community, (3) provide a news and information service that enhances recreational wildlife viewing and links such recreation with science‐based conservation efforts, and (4) increase the coverage and availability of citizen science data for conservation and education purposes. This eBird portal serves as a host to specific citizen science projects that can be issue- or habitat-driven (e.g., Birds in Oak Woodlands, or Important Bird Area Monitoring), or geographically-based (e.g., state wildlife monitoring).
Avian Knowledge Northwest is a regional node of the Avian Knowledge Network, a data archive and decision support system that focuses on understanding the patterns and dynamics of bird populations across the Western Hemisphere. The Avian Knowledge Northwest node provides conservation science data and information to users in the northwestern United States. As the primary citizen science application of Avian Knowledge Northwest, eBird Northwest supports efficient engagement with northwestern audiences to advance bird and habitat conservation. In addition eBird Northwest encourages engagement from specific local and state partners and provides a portal to attract local and state birding communities to citizen science projects as well as share birding information and news relevant to the local and broader eBird communities.
Klamath Bird Observatory, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and other conservation partners developed eBird Northwest to build a broad regional and state partnership around this citizen science application. An eBird Northwest Content Committee generates news stories of interest to local and regional audiences in the Northwest. A Citizen Science Committee was formed to help partners develop relevant, regional eBird projects to be hosted by eBird Northwest that will address specific objectives to meet local, state, and regional needs and allow users to contribute data according to explicit protocols. This committee also helps to design specific data queries of interest to users in the region.
We are seeking a broad partnership to support and participate in the growth and sustainability of eBird Northwest, to connect users into one of the world’s most significant long‐term science projects, and to make the Pacific Northwest one of the most eBirded regions in the world. For more information contact John Alexander (jda [AT] KlamathBird.org, 541-890-7067) or Eric Gardner (eric.gardner [AT] dfw.wa.gov, 360-902-2510).
Click here to start making your bird list and contributing to regional citizen science.