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2017 WAFLS Identification Guide (image)

This Identification Guide provides some helpful hints for use in the observation and identification of Short-eared Owls. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PDF.

Watch the training videos listed below for detailed information on an overview of the project, the protocol, how to set up and successfully complete a survey, identification tips and how to enter your data.

○ Brief introduction to Short-eared Owls

○ Why are we concerned about Short-eared Owls

○ Project WAfLS objectives

○ Integration of survey results with conservation

○ How does the program work?

○ Terminology: visits, grids, routes, points

○ Why is it set up this way

○ Traffic, safety considerations

○ Landowner considerations

○ Point spacing

○ Point coordinates – datum, format, options

○ Survey dates and survey times, why it matters

○ Core owl survey protocol – minute-by-minute

○ Searching techniques

○ Identification – positive or unsure

○ When to do habitat assessment (each visit, before survey begins)

○ Habitat classes

○ Grazing measures

○ Key characteristics of Short-eared Owls

○ Species most likely to be confused with Short-eared Owls (Long-eared Owl,                                                       Great Horned Owl, Northern Harrier, Barn Owl)

○  Short-eared Owl Courtship Flight (Neil Paprocki, Utah state coordinator) 

○  Short-eared Owl Courtship Flight (Bryce Robinson, Idaho volunteer)

○ Separating Short-eared Owls and Long-eared Owls

○ Why record other birds of interest

○ Review of the species of interest, including basic identification tips

○ Other observations

○ eBird