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Hammond’s Flycatcher

Hammond’s Flycatcher
Forest Stage: Mature/Young Forest
Habitat Attribute: Open mid-Story

Habitat Objectives
Landscapes: Within small landscapes (e.g., watershed, township, section), provide ≥6 blocks of late-successional and young forest >20 ha (50 ac) or one block >120 ha (300 ac) per square mile with site-level habitat conditions as described below.
Landscapes: Within large landscapes (i.e., >1,000 ha [2,500 ac]) maintain large core areas of unfragmented coniferous forest including
– 80–90% of the area in high canopy cover (i.e., >80%) of coniferous forest
– 10–20% of the area in early successional habitat
– <1% cover of deciduous forest habitat in drier upland habitats (i.e., with low stream density).
Sites: Where ecologically appropriate in forests >40 years old provide
– forest patches >15 ha (42 ac)
– canopy closure >50%
– a relative stem density of 0.2 to 0.3 to maintain an open mid-story (Relative stem density is the ratio of actual stem density to the maximum density available).
Sites: Riparian buffer zones within harvest units should be >70 m (230 ft) wide to provide suitable habitat, and should meet site-level habitat conditions described above.

Habitat Conservation Strategies
– Conduct light to moderate single-layered thinning from below to reduce the density of trees and open-up the area below canopy foliage, but do not encourage layered understory development characteristics of variable-spaced and variable-layered thinning.
– Conduct habitat management in areas without an extensive riparian or deciduous tree component.

Cited Plan

Altman, B. and J.D. Alexander. 2012. Habitat conservation for landbirds in coniferous forests of western Oregon and Washington. Version 2.0. Oregon-Washington Partners in Flight and American Bird Conservancy and Klamath Bird Observatory.