Hammond’s Flycatcher
Hammond’s Flycatcher
Forest Stage: Mature/Young Forest
Habitat Attribute: Open mid-Story
Habitat Objectives
Landscapes: Within small landscapes (e.g., watershed, township, section), provide ≥6 blocks of late-successional and young forest >20 ha (50 ac) or one block >120 ha (300 ac) per square mile with site-level habitat conditions as described below.
Landscapes: Within large landscapes (i.e., >1,000 ha [2,500 ac]) maintain large core areas of unfragmented coniferous forest including
– 80–90% of the area in high canopy cover (i.e., >80%) of coniferous forest
– 10–20% of the area in early successional habitat
– <1% cover of deciduous forest habitat in drier upland habitats (i.e., with low stream density).
Sites: Where ecologically appropriate in forests >40 years old provide
– forest patches >15 ha (42 ac)
– canopy closure >50%
– a relative stem density of 0.2 to 0.3 to maintain an open mid-story (Relative stem density is the ratio of actual stem density to the maximum density available).
Sites: Riparian buffer zones within harvest units should be >70 m (230 ft) wide to provide suitable habitat, and should meet site-level habitat conditions described above.
Habitat Conservation Strategies
– Conduct light to moderate single-layered thinning from below to reduce the density of trees and open-up the area below canopy foliage, but do not encourage layered understory development characteristics of variable-spaced and variable-layered thinning.
– Conduct habitat management in areas without an extensive riparian or deciduous tree component.
Cited Plan