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Hermit Warbler

Hermit Warbler
Forest condition: Mature/Young Forest (Multi-layered/understory reinitiating)
Habitat Attribute: Closed Canopy (of coniferous trees) forest patches >42 ha (101 ac) are necessary for their occurrence.

Habitat Objectives
Landscapes: At small landscape-levels (e.g., watersheds, townships, sections), provide >55% of the area as suitable nesting habitat (forest >40 years old with adequate canopy cover as described below), and >25% of the suitable habitat should be young forest. w
Sites: Where ecologically appropriate in forests >30 years old provide
– average tree dbh >30 cm (12 in)
– >90% canopy closure
– a dominance of Douglas-fir trees
Sites: Riparian buffer zones within harvest units should be >70 m (230 ft) wide to provide suitable habitat, and should meet site-level habitat conditions described above.

Habitat Conservation Strategies
– In forests managed for wood products, extend rotation ages to lengthen the period of time that the forest is available as suitable habitat.
– Conduct light to moderate thinning early in forest development (<30 years-old) to promote development of large crowns to increase habitat suitability later in forest development

Cited Plan

Altman, B. and J.D. Alexander. 2012. Habitat conservation for landbirds in coniferous forests of western Oregon and Washington. Version 2.0. Oregon-Washington Partners in Flight ( and American Bird Conservancy and Klamath Bird Observatory.