Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Forest condition: Sapling/Seedling Forest (Early-Successional)
Habitat Attribute: Deciduous Shrub Layer
Habitat Objectives
Landscapes: Within small landscapes (e.g., watersheds, townships, sections), provide >30% of the area as early successional forest with site-level habitat conditions as described below.
Sites: Where ecologically appropriate in early successional forest provide
– >30% cover of the area in deciduous shrubs and small trees (<15 ft tall).
Habitat Conservation Strategies
– Allow early-successional habitat to regenerate naturally where there is the potential for a structurally complex and well-developed deciduous component of shrubs and trees.
– Maintain deciduous vegetation in areas where conifer seedlings are not planted or difficult to establish such as along logging roads and landings; on unstable, steep slopes; and in moist depressions, gullies, and stream courses.
– Where vegetation management is conducted, use selective control of deciduous vegetation (e.g., immediately adjacent to conifer seedlings) by manual thinning or limited herbicide application.
– Where vegetation management is conducted, retain small, untreated patchily distributed plots (e.g., 0.1 ha, [Marcot 1984]; 10 X 20 m, Morrison [1982]) of deciduous vegetation throughout the conifer plantation.
-Lengthen time in early-successional condition by planting a lower density of conifers in conjunction with limited or no competing vegetation management.
– Conduct non-uniform (i.e., patchily) thinning and pruning of conifers in later stages of early-successional and into the pole stage to maintain a deciduous shrub component, particularly on rich, moist sites, to enhance and prolong suitability of the habitat.
– Discontinue use of herbicides for deciduous tree and shrub control.
– Harvest entries should be carefully designed, and logging systems tailored to site-specific conditions to minimize ground disturbance and site productivity.
Cited Plan