Black-headed Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus)
Habitat: Riparian Closed Woodland or Forest
Habitat Attribute: mixed hardwood and conifer trees
Habitat Objectives (Sites)
Riparian Closed Woodland or Forest in the following conditions:
- >40% canopy cover
- >20% canopy cover of both hardwood and conifer trees
- >20% subcanopy cover
- mean tree DBH >23 cm (9 in)
Population Objectives (Sites)
Target Densities in Suitable Habitat:
Puget Lowlands:
– North: >0.20 birds/ha
– South: >0.2o birds/ha
Willamette Valley:
– North: >0.51 birds/ha
– South: >0.51 birds/ha
Klamath Mountains:
– Umpqua: >0.54 birds/ha
– Rogue: >0.29 birds/ha
Citied Plans