House Wren
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)
Habitat: Oak Closed Woodland or Forest
Habitat Attribute: Moderate Shrub cover with open canopy trees
Population Objectives (Sites)
Target Densities in Suitable Habitat:
Puget Lowlands:
- North: >0.63 birds/ha (>0.25 birds/ac)
- South: >0.73 birds/ha (>0.29 birds/ac)
Willamette Valley:
- North: >0.38 birds/ha (>0.15 birds/ac)
- South: >0.16 birds/ha (>0.07 birds/ac)
Klamath Mountains:
- Umpqua: >0.12 birds/ha (>0.05 birds/ac)
- Rogue: >0.18 birds/ha (>0.07 birds/ac)
Habitat Objectives (Sites)
Oak Closed Woodland or Forest in the following conditions:
- canopy cover 25-70%
- canopy and subcanopy conifer cover <10%
- shrub cover >30% with >50% of that cover in native species such as snowberry, poison oak, etc.; exotic blackberry cover <10%
- herbaceous openings in the shrub layer should account for <25% of the understory
- mean tree DBH >38 cm (15 in), with >20% of trees >53 cm (21 in) DBH
Cited Plan